
Insight and Top Tips from Universities

The Complete Guide on How to Increase Student Engagement in Evaluations

In this publication, Student Voice: The Complete Guide on How to Increase Student Engagement in Evaluations, we share insight and top tips from higher education leaders who have successfully engaged the student voice as they seek to improve their teaching and learning.

Our contributors represent universities from across the globe and provide practical guidance on the key steps taken from policy to delivery, how students can be empowered in partnership, the importance of a good communications plan, why closing the feedback loop is essential, and addressing challenges/blockages on the way.

Download your free guide now!

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Learn from top higher education institutions:

  • University of Bristol
  • University of Toronto
  • University of Newcastle
  • Glasgow Caledonian University

Why download the full report? 

Collaborate with your students: Learn how the University of Toronto devised a multi-faceted strategy to engage students during evaluations and make them an essential part of their feedback process.

Course evaluation marketing tips: Discover the marketing campaign employed by the University of Newcastle to promote its course evaluation program and keep students informed.

Train your staff appropriately: Obtain detailed steps to equip your staff correctly and provide the best course evaluation environment possible.


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